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Policy Changes Affecting Individuals Requesting Rehoming Assistance from PAFP (changes do not affect our pet plan clients)


    As of 01/31/2024 these are PAFP's new SOPs

(last revised on 02/13/2024):

    -As PAFP currently has a hospice foster that did belong to a plan client, the rescue isn't able to take in other fosters at this time for the most part. 

    -The rescue tries to pull/rescue pets from our high intake municipal shelter, Louisville Metro Animal Services, exclusively.  The rescue pulls pets only when we have a confirmed, volunteer foster home for pets. 

     -Any rehome cases we do take on will be charged a rate of $17/hour, and the ability to pay the $17/hour is not a guarantee we'll be able to 'say yes' to your particular rehome case. 

Additional Notes in Regards to these New Standard Operating Procedures:

    In a continued and consistent effort to remain as transparent as possible for the rescue's small-but-mighty following, I offer detailed explanations on the why of each of the above new procedures, implemented immediately:

    -Our hospice foster is Sophie.  She has a terminal canc-r that runs along her sinus tract, down her trachea... and who knows where all else (in reality).  -She has been to 3 vets, had biopsies, teeth removed due to cancer, is on meds for associated pain and inflammation, and is fortunately able to still enjoy a decent quality of life most of the time.  We hope it stays this way for her for many months to come!         

    Sophie belonged to a wonderful woman that had the foresight to put her pets in written death plans before passing away in June 2023.  The rescue also oversees the care of this wonderful woman's other pets (all of whom we love very much), in a home that belonged to the wonderful woman.  No monies are received by this rescue for this work and service at this time, and this will remain the case for many years to come... until all of the pets pass on naturally.  This is a good and fair arrangement for all, and I share this info here so you will hopefully understand the current state of this rescue's workload in respects to 'why we often cannot help owner surrenders and pet-rehoming cases for this most part at this time.' 

   -During the years of active Covid-19 we were driving as far as Leitchfield, Lexington, and Berea, Ky. (regularly) to pull pets from smaller, more rural shelters.  

    Here in Louisville, our shelters were doing ok with their own transport partners, adoptions, etc. for the most part, so we were able to help pets further out in the state.  This was SO awesome and powerful.  It made me feel really great to be able to go to other counties to rescue since our own county was 'ok' on pet population issues.  

    However, all of that has changed drastically, and for the past 2 years our local shelter, LMAS, is remaining at or above shelter capacity.  This increases the likelihood of sickness amongst pet populations, and leads to more burnout and compassion fatigue for our shelter workers, fosters and volunteers.  Some of you may know: I worked at LMAS as an ACS back in 07' so I know firsthand what burnout, depression and compassion fatigue feel like, relating particularly to shelter work... and having to euthanize some of your best 4-legged-buddies... it is brutal and left me with fantasies of being dropped in a black garbage bag myself, just like our homeless pets were post-euthanasia, day after day, stack after stack... horrible, very hard stuff, as you can imagine.  

    So, yes, my connection to LMAS runs very deep, and I have a tremendous amount of empathy for our pets in our shelter, and the employees that lovingly care for them.  Until we get into a better place community-wide with the homeless pet population, we'll continue trying to pull exclusively from LMAS, when fosters are available


    -This rescue began in October of 2018.  And for the past 5+ years we've been able to assist dozens of individuals with rehoming cases on a gratis basis.  This was partly due to the 'demand' for pets during much of 2019-2021; we were 'moving pets quickly,' and doing lots of awesome adoptions.  

    However, adoptions have tapered off significantly over the past 2 years everywhere, not just for PAFP.  We also used to have a vibrant foster base of around 5 individuals.  They're all well, and we remain friends, however, they have: busy lives, their own pets, and have moved on from fostering for the time being and most part... this is a quite typical pattern for individuals that foster... people often take breaks and need breaks from fostering pets. 

    The need to charge a fee for the rescue's assistance on rehoming cases for now is real.  $9,474.43 is how much money I made in 2023 as a part time substitute teacher for JCPS, per my 2023 W-2. The 2022 W-2 was very similar.  Due primarily to the demands of the rescue I typically only sub 2-3 days/week during the school year.  -Late last summer I had to drive Uber part time for several weeks, as my savings were nearly depleted.  During Christmas break this year I worked a banquet to make sure I was bringing in enough cashflow to support standard expenses (gas, groceries, cell phone, dental care, etc.)  ~I'm not sharing this to complain or for any type of pity, but rather for applicable individuals to understand that: in my early 40's, I'm in my working prime, and I need to draw an income.  As a family of 3 grossing under $60,000/year, we are not independently wealthy for me to be able to do rescue work, or any work on a continued basis, 'for free.'  That's just the way it is. 

    -The rescue grossed around $11,000 in 2023. 

Lastly, this rescue's mission statement remains:

To assure clients' pets always have a place to call home, offer pet owners peace of mind by having a pet plan in place, and someone to implement it at the time of need. 

This is why I started this rescue, to encourage and enable people to include pets in planning, with someone reliable to take over pet care at a moment's notice.  ~It is a grand idea, and thanks to the few and far between that do include pets in planning, we'll be able to help not only their pets, but many other homeless or needy pets, for generations to come.   

~First things First: to assure I don't stretch myself or this rescue too thin, so I'll be at my best, ready to serve our plan-clients' pets at their time of need!  That remains fundamental, and shall always be the ongoing priority of this rescue. 💚

        Note: Nonprofits are legally permitted to charge a reasonable fee for goods and/or services. 

    Disclaimer: I am not an attorney, nor offering legal advice.  Please work with a reputable estate planning attorney to create your death plans, legacy, and a safe future for your pets. 



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