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5 Ways PAFP Rescue Regularly and Gratuitously Helps in Our Community! #giveforgoodlou

 This document highlights some of Paw and Feather Plan's work, and how it positively impacts the lives pets and people in and around the community, and abroad (Brazil shelter once/yearly, etc.). 

I do hope this list motivates individuals to donate $10< on 09/15/2022 for Give for Good Day. 😊  

This is a big day not only for this rescue, but also for 500+ other nonprofits across Louisville.  There will be many random BOOSTS to donations throughout the day via several Community Foundation Sponsors... so please participate

If you don't donate, there'll be nothing to boost. And if you do donate, your $10 could instantaneously become $1010!  #LiveGenerously #InstantKarma 

List of 6 Ways We Help Out On the Regular:

1.) Free counseling services (typically via email or phone, these can be quite lengthy calls!) to pet owners in distress, wanting or needing to surrender pets. 

    -On average I assist 4 people/weekly with this gratuitous service.  I cannot help everyone that reaches out.  Sometimes we help rehome the pets as a rescue, other times, and ideally, we advise on what to do to keep the pet(s), or on how to secure a new, loving home for a pet. 

2.)  Louisville Metro Animal Services is our city's only open-intake animal shelter.  We're a rescue partner in great standing with LMAS.  Not only do I rescue dogs from the shelter, I also volunteer there to socialize dogs when as time permits. We also partner with Bullitt Co. Animal Services, which is equally-as-awesome. :)

    -This number varies month to month, but I'd say we average 'pulling' 4 at-need dogs from Metro monthly.  I hope to start to rescue more cats too, but cats typically take a long time to adopt out, and with the TNR program, it hasn't felt 'as urgent.'  (I was happy to donate to LMAS's Give for Good campaign this a.m. too of course!)

3.) Pay for vet services for low income pet owners and help other reputable pet rescues 

    -This is sporadic, but off hand I recall paying for a kitten's vetting (spay, shots), and donating several bags of dog food to another excellent in-state pet rescue when I had plenty of dog food, and they had run out, in the past 2 months.  I also supported Phoenix Landing Bird Rescue by attending their Parrot Retreat in June.  -This helps them, and of course helps me... learn SO MUCH more about our feathered friends, and how to better care for them when they come to PAFP. I love partnering with other awesome nonprofits and/or pet-related businesses!

4.)  Dog Training and Psychology 

    -While I'm not professionally trained as a dog trainer, I've been training dogs, or helping rehabilitate them, as Cesar says, since 2007.  I've helped dozens of damaged dogs 'come around,' especially in my shelter days (as an employee).  This is still one of my favorite aspects of rescue, as it's most rewarding to see a dog go from untrusting to trusting, pissing all over a house to going 'potty outside only,' from being a darter to checking in with me to assure she's still 'being a good girl,' from growling to... growling less 😂, and the list could go on!  

5.)  This rescue initiated to offer pet owners a safe, reliable place to whom to bequeath pets in life and death docs.  

However, most people don't find the rescue until an owner has already passed, and pets aren't in the death plans, and there are zero provisions. 

    -Whenever possible, we help out anyway!  At least a half a dozen pets that weren't in owner's death plans have come to us following an owner's death (all of this has been documented and shared over the past 4 years via the rescue's Facebook page). 

6.)  Free Help for Pet Owners Who Need it Most (the sick or elderly), by Doing Everything from Courtesy Walks to a Ride to SNIP Clinic...

   -This can be hard, but it's just the right thing to do.  And I've learned that, once someone's gone, you always wish you would've/could've done more, and you never regret the time you spent with someone during his or her most challenging of times.  

    -For example, we currently have an adopter that's fallen ill, is on oxygen, and with several health complications.  I check in with her regularly, go by to see her and walk her dog, and will continue to do so.  Her dog, who can be a bit of a challenge, has found her 'purpose' in life by accompanying her beloved owner day and night as her loyal companion.  ~We gave that to someone.  ~And we stand by it.  ~This is awesome work.  And we're grateful you'll consider supporting it on 09/15/2022 for #GiveforGoodLou... think boost, boost, boost!!

Participate by Donating Here: During Give for Good Louisville via This Link on 09/15/22. 

Money raised will help pay for basic costs of running the rescue AND will hopefully allow us to hire a temporary, awesome, much-needed, animal-loving, part-time helper! 

If we hit the BIG BOOST during the GREATEST 2 MINS of GIVING between 7:10-7:12 p.m., we'll pay LOCAL company to CONCRETE our foster-dog-play-area! Think #boost! use this link to donate #pleaseandthankyou


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